Glad Tidings from Cumorah: The Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon in Palmyra and Manchester, New York Skip to main content

Glad Tidings from Cumorah: The Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon in Palmyra and Manchester, New York

The Lord sent an angel to call the Prophet Joseph Smith to receive the plates upon which was recorded the religious history of an ancient American civilization.

Glad Tidings from Cumorah: The Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon - Palmyra and Manchester, New York

Video Transcript


The Lord sent an angel to call the Prophet Joseph Smith to receive the plates upon which was recorded the religious history of an ancient American civilization. The challenges of preparing to receive the plates and then protecting them is recounted with video from the Hill Cumorah, where the plates were secreted for thirteen centuries, as well as the Smiths’ homes and farm in Palmyra and Manchester, New York. In a grove of trees near the home Joseph Smith showed the Book of Mormon plates to eight other individuals, who became witnesses of the existence of the plates.
